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Congratulations to SelfPublishMe author, Patrice Adams

Congratulations to new SelfPublishMe author, Patrice Adams for her new book titled, Now That I’m Saved: What I Found Out | Click Here to Order it Now at Amazon.

Now That I’m Saved: What I Found Out was written to inspire Christians that want to know why things happen to them after choosing to live for the Lord. There was a time when I felt loneliness and sought a man for companionship. Thinking it would fulfill my dreams of a romantic marriage, I finally realized my mistake and returned to God for His guidance.
There are times that may challenge a Christians faithfulness to God. In this book I explore scenarios of temptations that led me astray, along with personal insight on various ways Christians can remain faithful to Him.
One example is the only one that can”fix” us and put us back together “right” is God. God made us in His own image; He is the only one who knows us inside and out.
After all, He is the potter and we are the clay. We say we listen to Him, but do we? We should listen to Him with our spirit. We also should not use our talents for our benefit or glory, but for God, church, and others who may be comforted or helped during our ministering of God given talents.


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